Thankful Thursday

You’re may be tired me mentioning how thankful I am for the beautiful place I live. But I am, and every time I see my place through visitors’ eyes, I feel even more blessed. I’m thankful for what the beauty of my place tells me about the God who created it: that he is powerful, eternal, benevolent, and more.
I’m thankful for abundant cranberries, for time to pick, and for friends and family to help me pick. I’m thankful I could pick with Kim while she was here.
I’m thankful for this week’s perfect fall days—for morning chil, warm afternoons, and changing leaves.
I’m thankful for today’s all-clear report from the dentist. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a check up and not had to schedule follow-up appointments to have work done. I’m thankful for my hygienist, who is gentle, but thorough. She is God’s provision to me, helping me keep my mouth healthy.
I’m thankful that God works everything according to the counsel of his will. I’m thankful that I can trust him with my future, my children’s future, and my grandchildren’s future. Without a trustworthy God working in everything to bring about his perfect purpose I’d be permanently tied up in worry knots.
Reader Comments (2)
Did I tell you that Neil and I found a patch of cranberries in a wooded area near our hotel? We were talking through the Pioneer Cemetery, and we saw a small patch on our way back.
I'm not surprised. They seem to be everywhere this year!