Brought Near

Continuing on in Ephesians 2. Other posts in this series are listed below.
But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. (Ephesians 2:13 ESV).
This short statement summarizes the solution to the Gentiles’ alienation from God described in the previous verses. The contrast between this verse and the one before it is striking. The Gentile believers Paul is writing to were “at that time”—before the new era instituted by Christ’s death and resurrection—“separated from Christ.” “But now”—in the new era, under the new covenant—they are “in Christ Jesus.”
What’s more, there’s contrast right within this verse, too. They had been “far off” (a term used to describe the Gentiles in Acts 2:39 also), but now they’ve been “brought near.” Gentiles who were once separated from God have been given access to him (see verse 18).
The details of the Gentiles’ reconciliation to God, and the reconciliation to the Jews that springs from it, are explained more in the verses that follow. For now, it’s enough to note that this new peace with God is worked by “the blood of Christ.” Those are biblical code words (Can we them that?) for Christ’s substitutionary death. Christ’s cross work makes peace between God and those Gentiles who are in Christ.
Previous posts on Ephesians 2:
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