Status Report: September

Sitting…on the couch in the living room.
Listening…to the quiet of an autumn night.
Eating…fig newtons, my favorite cookie. I won’t tell you how many I have.
Feeling…a bit sad that it’s 10pm and already dark.
Trying…to hold on to summer, but it’s already slipped away.
Anticipating…this year’s potato harvest, picking cranberries, and finally meeting Kim.
Hoping…the weather is decent while she’s here. We could, you know, have a foot of snow that stays mid-September. It’s happened before.
Noting…the past month’s milestones for the grandchildren: Natalie has big girl undies and is using a potty chair; Amelia is walking, and using new words each day; Theo is sitting—and being especially cute.
Reading…the same books as last month and the month before. Summer reading I did not do.
Thinking…about the second half of Ephesians 2. I have a post the first two verses halfway finished, but I’m not sure how to continue on and tie things up.
Writing…a post about a passage of scripture, by the way, is the best way I know to understand it.
Wishing…you new things in September: a new season, new friends, new opportunities, and new mercies.
Saying…good night.
Reader Comments (2)
I am bringing a fall coat, so it better not snow! I've been checking the weather daily!
It would be really unusual if if snowed . . . but it has.