Thankful Thursday

I’m thankful the key to the car that my son lost 3 months ago was returned to me today. I can finally open my trunk! (The keys I had left were valet keys and the trunk was locked.) I’ve been praying it would be found. Fixing the problem—buying a new key and having it programmed—was going to be very expensive, and now I don’t have to have it done. I’m thankful for the neighbour who found the key and set off the alarm to my car to find out where it belonged.
I’m thankful for cranberries in abundance. My daughter and I picked for a couple of hours yesterday and got a bucketful. I’m thankful we had perfect weather for picking, and that the two little granddaughters enjoyed themselves while we picked. I’m thankful for fall’s harvest of vegetables and fruits and berries, reminding us that God provides for us.
I’m thankful that God speaks so we can know him. I’m thankful for the Holy Spirit who illuminates so we can understand.
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