Status Report: January

Sitting…on the couch in the living room.
Drinking…mint tea. Because it’s almost bedtime, so no caffeine for me.
Feeling…tired from a day spent with my two toddler granddaughters—and a couple hours with my almost toddler grandson. It was a great day: We took a long woods walk/sled ride in our perfect winter weather, played hide and seek in the house afterward. All day long, there was almost no whining or squabbling. (Recently there’s been some cousin rivalry happening, but not today.) Still, I’m tired, because even well-behaved toddlers are exhausting.
Enjoying…perfect winter weather. I’m repeating, I know, but it’s January in the Yukon. Good weather gets double mention.
Also enjoying…nights warm enough to sleep with the bedroom window open. I like sleeping in a very cold room under a mountain of quilts and blankets.
Liking…the string of Christmas lights I left up on the mantle. I could not go from well-lit tree to nothing lit at all. I leave them on all day long to curse the winter darkness.
Saddened…to hear that the father of one of my youngest daughter’s elementary school friends has been missing since December 19. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have a family member disappear and not know what happened. I’m praying there’s a happy explanation, but afraid there won’t be.
Thinking…about taking a trip. I’ll say more if (and when) it happens.
Reading…this book (half-way through 600 pages now) and, when I need a change of pace, The House of Wittgenstein: A Family at War, which I highly recommend, too. And to the granddaughters, this afternoon, I read Ezra Jack Keats’ The Snowy Day
(library edition), which came in the mail today. (I ordered two other library edition picture books, too—Peter’s Chair (Keats again) and Make Way for Ducklings (Robert McCloskey)—but they are coming in a separate shipment.)
Anticipating…the end of the kitchen project. All the bottom cabinets are painted now, and when the paint has set for a week, they will be installed. The countertops can be installed then, too, and I will have half a working kitchen.
Reader Comments (4)
I love Make Way for Duckilngs.
I do too, but my favorite is "Blueberries for Sal". Those two McCloskey books were gifts for my niece and nephew this Christmas. I am trying to show restraint with my free Amazon Prime trial, but keep ordering more books. You should check out the books by Sarah Stewart - the Gardener, The Journey, The Quiet Place. - so, so lovely. Maybe a bit old for toddlers, but you will love them.
Also bought "From Heaven He came and Sought Her". :)
Thanks for the book recommendations. I need help when it comes to choosing kids books published after my kids grew up. :)
I think you'll like From Heaven . . . .