This Week in Housekeeping

I’m finally updating Theological Terms again. I haven’t done any since June!
- Added a link to a recent piece by Jeff Robinson: Why Is the Ascension So Important?
- Added resurrecton of Jesus under Related terms.
- Added Filed under Person, Work, and Teaching of Christ.
- Added a link to a recent post by Guy Waters: Solia Gratia: Christians Are Saved By the Grace of God Alone.
- Also added links to Steve Weaver’s “By Grace Alone” Sola Gratia (Ephesians 2:1-10) and Gary L. W. Johnson’s: Sola Gratia (audio)
- Removed a dead link.
- Updated the formatting and tweaked the definition.
- Added related terms five solas, sola fide, sola scriptura,solus Christus, and soli Deo gloria.
- Added Filed under Reformed Theology.
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