Thankful Thursday

On top of our short daylight hours, lately we’ve had clouds so low the sun might as well not bother rising because it’s going to be gloomier than gloomy anyway. But I’ve learned there’s no better time to acknowledge God’s good gifts to me than when I’m feeling grumpy.
I’m thankful
- for something important that came in the mail. My sister and I are still working to settle my dad’s estate, and we’ve been frustrated with mail service between the U.S and Canada. But today, a piece of mail came right when it was expected.
- for a craft project done with the grandchildren. No one cried, no one died, and there’s a finshed project, to boot. As far as three-toddler craft projects go, that’s extremely successful—and something to be thankful for.
- for trusty winter tires and safe driving on icy roads.
- lamps and candles and a string of white mini-lights.
- that Jesus is the light of the world and will be the light of the New Jerusalem.
Also thankful today:
- Melissa
- Kim Shay
- Kevin Sorensen
- Update: Persis
What are you thankful for? Leave a comment with your thanksgiving, post your thanksgiving on your blog, or tweet it. Give me the link by email or in a comment and I’ll add your thanksgiving to the list in the post.
Reader Comments (5)
Just posted my Thankful Thursday here -
Stay safe driving! No snow yet here but colder than average temps (30's instead of 50's) which reveals how wimpy we are when it comes to winter.
Thanks, Peris. I've added it to the list.
We've been warmer than normal—right around freezing with fog that freezes on the roadway. Thankfully I learned how to drive in MN. :)
"No one cried, no one died ...." Haha! We had the toddlers this past Tuesday doing a craft at the young mom's bible study hour, and it was not so successful. And all we did is put stickers on paper! But it was fun.
We rolled out salt dough, cut it with cookie cutters, and baked them until hard for Christmas ornaments. There were a few re-rolls of misshapen or messed up cut-outs, but everyone came away happy.
Oh, that sounds like so much fun! When my daughter was 3, our pastor's wife did that with her while she babysat for me. I still have one of the ornaments she made.