Election Is the Spring

God’s saving actions in the Pentateuch are primarily focused on his chosen people, the nation he has chosen from all others to be his “treasured possession” (Ex. 19:5; Deut. 7:6). Thus understood, any atonement that encompasses the entire community of Israel cannot really be interpreted in a general or universal sense; rather, it must be seen to have a definite or particular focus. The community it encompasses is a special community—the object of God’s love and special favor, a people evidently distinguished from all others (cf. Deut 4:32-35; 32:8-9). Thus it would be inappropriate to infer some kind of general atonement from Israel’s corporate experience of atonement. Any such atonement is accomplished and applied on the basis of Israel’s divine election—the latter is the spring from which the former flows; atonement is made for Israel as God’s elect people.
From Paul R. Williamson’s essay, “Because He Loved Your Forefathers”: Election, Atonement, and Intercession in the Pentateuch in From Heaven He Came and Sought Her: Definite Atonement in Historical, Biblical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspective.
Previously posted quote from this “comprehensive resource on definite atonement”:
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