The Lord's Purpose Prevails

From Bible Verse Pictures, a source of free sharable images.
This morning I posted at Out of the Ordinary on my plans and God’s plan.
[M]y plan is different than God’s plan in so many ways that they’re not really comparable. While I tried to be wise when I planned, some of the choices I made may be foolish in hindsight. God, on the other hand, has perfect wisdom, so from the start, his plan was perfect for accomplishing his purposes.
What’s more, everything in my plan depends on things I can’t know for sure, and things I don’t control, so my plan will undoubtedly change as the day progresses. But God controls everything and knows everything, so nothing can foil his plan. His plan never changes because he knows how to arrange the chain of causes and effects to accomplish his purposes, and he has the power to bring all the causes and effects into existence.
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