Thankful Thursday

Busy day with little granddaughter, busy evening at choir practice. Tonight the choir was preparing for an evening gospel music service at end of May. (We are, by the way, singing this arrangement of these songs again.) Nothing uses more concentration and energy than learning and singing gospel music, so I’m beat—but thankful, too. Thankful that I have energy for full days and that I can finish them singing.
The granddaughter I spent the day with is turning two in a few days. When her auntie asked her what she wanted for her birthday, she said, “Money!” I’m thankful for the laughs the grandchildren bring. Currently, there are a few frustrating circumstances and people in my life, and I need the joy of grandchildren.
I’m thankful for the opportunity to learn that I am not in control. I’m thankful that I am being taught to rely on my sovereign heavenly Father in all life’s circumstances. Apparently it’s a lesson I need to learn over and over and over. I’m thankful that God is longsuffering.
I’m thankful that when Jesus intercedes for us with the Father, he knows from experience the kinds of pressures and temptations we face in our daily lives. I’m thankful he never once sinned when he was tempted, so he also knows the way to overcome any temptation we experience. I’m thankful that knowing this gives me confidence to “draw near to the throne of grace” to “receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:15-16).
I’m thankful for Thankful Thursday. There’s nothing better than ending a tiring day by making a record of a few of God’s good gifts to me.
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