Linked Together: Plugging Audio

I’ve listened to a lecture, a debate, and a sermon recently and recommend them to you. You’ll need your thinking cap, but they’re all worth the effort.
- Calvinism and the Origin of Sin. James Anderson discusses two potential problems Calvinists face in accounting for the first sin. Dr. Anderson also examines problems with other ways of accounting for the first sin—like Molinism, for instance.
This lecture was given at the Greenville Seminary Spring Conference. All the audio for this conference is here. If you prefer reading to listening, try this paper (pdf), from which the lecture comes. - The Great Debate: Does God Exist? Everyone should listen to this classic debate between Gordon Stein and Greg Bahnsen at least once. I listened to it first more than 10 years ago and it doesn’t get old. (There’s a transcript of this (pdf), too. HT: Andy Naselli.
- Never Spoke a Man Like This Before: Inerrancy, Evangelism and Christ’s Unbreakable Bible. This sermon by Kevin DeYoung was delivered at this year’s T4G Conference. It’s been widely recommended and for good reason.
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