Linked Together: Inerrancy

Some recommended weekend reading on the subject of biblical inerrancy.
Getting It Right
Not all historic church documents are 300 years old. Here’s a short history of the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy by Stephen Nichols.
If one were to lock three hundred evangelical leaders in a room today, it would be surprising if they all came out agreeing on the color of the paint on the walls. Crafting a theological statement with five points and nineteen articles of affirmation and denial would be a miracle. But that is precisely what happened in Chicago in 1978. The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy sustained a generation of churchmen, pastors and theologians. It brought this view of inerrancy back to the center of the church, and doctrinally affirmed it—for the life of the church and the life of the Christian.
If you’d like to read the Chicago Statement—and you should—here it is.
Not Getting It Wrong
Michael Kruger is hosting a new blog series featuring guest posts from evangelical scholars addressing problematic passage in the Bible. The first four posts in this series are linked below.
- Does the Bible Ever Get it Wrong? Facing Scripture’s Difficult Passages (#1): Greg Beale
- Does the Bible Ever Get it Wrong? Facing Scripture’s Difficult Passages (#2): Craig Blomberg
- Does the Bible Ever Get it Wrong? Facing Scripture’s Difficult Passages (#3): Darrell Bock
- Does the Bible Ever Get it Wrong? Facing Scripture’s Difficult Passages (#4): Andreas Köstenberger
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