So Shall We Ever

I’ve written at Out of the Ordinary about what happens to believers after we die.
Christians call [the] heavenly fellowship with Christ experienced by the souls of believers who have died the intermediate state, because this is where the believer lives between their death and their resurrection.
…[D]espite all the popular so-called “heaven tourism” books, scripture is our only source of true information about the intermediate state. What scripture does say is that being a soul in heaven is better than being a body and soul united together in this fallen world (Philippians 1: 21-23), because in heaven we will be “at home” with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:1-8). We will be with Jesus in a way that’s nearer and better than the way he is with us now. What’s more, at death, our souls are “made perfect” (Hebrews 12:23). There is no more struggle with sin, for God makes us completely holy intermediate state.
This is the sixteenth post—the very last one—in the series I’m calling Sixteen Things Every Christian Woman Should Know. The whole list of things to know is below.
- God Has Spoken (posted at the True Woman Blog)
- God Is Three and God Is One
- God Is Who He Is
- God Had a Plan
- God Created the Universe
- We Are Made in God’s Image
- We Are All Sinners
- God Saves
- The Son Came
- Jesus Lived and Died
- Jesus Is Risen
- Jesus Is Lord
- We Must Believe
- Believers Have New Life
- Believers Belong
- Believers Will Live With Jesus Forever
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