Status Report: February

Sitting…on the couch in the living room.
Watching…Antique Roadshow. My excuse is that I’m dull and lazy because I’ve been sick today. Nothing serious, but my stomach and head are both wonky.
Feeling…a little better now and hoping to be all well by tomorrow.
Not loving…the weather forecast. I’ll show you.
I think it’s been a couple of years since we’ve had -40 temps, and I was hoping we’d skip the very cold stuff this year, too. At least when the colder temperatures come in February, it’s more likely to warm up a little during the day. When -40 comes in January, it often stays -40 all day long because there’s so little warmth in the January sun.
Wishing…I’d remembered to my my frayed block heater cord while the weather was warm.
Loving…The bright blue sky and the sundogged sun of the cold winter days, and the bright moon and the northern lights of the cold winter nights.
Telling…this story. Two-year-old granddaughter and her mother dropped by yesterday evening. I wasn’t expecting them and had a candle burning on the coffee table in the living room, and forgot about it. I was standing in the kitchen chatting with my daughter when my granddaughter came in, carrying the still-burning candle. “Put this up, Grandma” she said. “Candles are dangerous for kids.”
Thanking…God she didn’t drop the candle, or spill liquid wax on herself, or start her clothes on fire. She did, I’m told, burn her finger on the stovetop today, but it’s just a tiny blister. So I’m thankful for God’s protection today, too. (No child would make it to adulthood without it!)
Reading…Can We Still Believe the Bible? by Craig Blomberg. We have it in the church library and I plan to review it for the church newspaper once I finish. I don’t agree with everything in it, but still, it’s a good defense of the reliability of scripture.
And I’m still reading Made for More: An Invitation to Live in God’s Image by Hannah Anderson.
Wishing…you a February full of friends and family and fellowship. And no flu.
Reader Comments (1)
I saw the picture of the sun dogs and the northern lights on your Twitter feed. They were beautiful!