Selected Reading

I read these recently and recommend them to you.
How Do I Evangelize Someone Who Says That They Don’t Trust the Bible?
“The only means by which people will repent is if in the kindness of God; He opens their eyes to their enslavement to sin and gives them new hearts that hate sin. He has one means that He will use to accomplish this: His Word” (Jordan Standridge).
So yes, you go ahead an use the Bible anyway.
Bible Study
Jesus’ Family Tree
What can we learn from the geneology of Jesus found in Matthew? More than you might think.
Why Good Theology Is Not Enough
“Orthodoxy—proper beliefs—is where we begin. But it’s not where we end. To be clear, we can’t grow much in our love for God without also growing in our beliefs about God. What we believe about God is vitally important. But it’s dangerously possible to grow in our knowledge of God without growing in our love for God. We can accumulate a lot of knowledge while our hearts remain far from him” (Dan DeWitt).
Paying Tribute
Be Wiersbe
“Warren wasn’t flashy, and he wasn’t about himself. He was real—what the kids call ‘authentic’—and he was funny. He knew who he was, and he loved Jesus in his normal, ordinary way. Warren was a very human saint, which is the best kind of saint” (Mike Wittmer).
‘Dilemma’ or ‘Dilemna’?
Did a teacher steer you wrong? I’m pretty sure someone somewhere taught me to spell this word incorrectly.