Selected Reading

I read (or watched or heard) these recently and recommend them to you.
Did the Church Decide Which Books Made It Into the Bible?
Michael Kruger explains the Protestant view of the canon using an analogy from ordinary life.
The Whole Bible in 12 Verses
Andrew Wilson chose 12 verses to summarize what the Bible teaches.
Justification and Imputed Righteousness
Two more excellent five-minute explanations from Ligonier’s Simply Put podcast.
Church History
The Messy-yet-Instructive Culture Surrounding the Canons of Dort
“They cared about their theology so much. There’s a story even in the Synod of Dort when one particular delegate was expressing himself—perhaps not very well—and was showing some Arminian sympathies and one of the leading delegates challenged him to a duel on the spot.”
According to Kevin DeYoung, there’s something we can learn from this bit of history.
“Run” Is the Most Complex Word in the English Language
But it hasn’t always been.