Selected Reading
I read (or watched or heard) these recently and recommend them to you.
Good Theology
None Greater: The Undomesticated Attributes of God
I’m only about halfway through this new book by Matthew Barrett on the attributes of God, but that’s far enough in to know that if I were remaking my list of books of theology every Christian woman should read, this one would be on it.
No-Good Theology
List of Heresies
From adoptionism to works righteousness, Monergism has all the scandalous stuff on one page.
Heresy Often Begins with Boredom
Sometimes the slide into heresy begins “with boredom. It begins when the thrill of orthodoxy is simply not very thrilling to us anymore, when our familiarity with faith breeds contempt, discontentment, and a dangerous restlessness.”
I’ve seen it and I bet you have, too.
Christian History
John Bunyan and the Women Who Shaped His Life
“Bunyan was a man of his times. He believed that women are spiritually weaker than men and more susceptible to the devil’s enticements. But life taught him they are equal heirs of God’s promises and valuable fellow-pilgrims on the way to the Celestial City.”—Simonetta Carr