Selected Reading

I read (or watched or heard) these recently and recommend them to you.
Christian Living
Do I Need to Change the World?
“I need to worry more about how I will submit to the ways God is changing me than worrying about whether or not I will change the world” (Kim Shay).
Columns from June’s Tabletalk Magazine
June’s issue of Tabletalk magazine has several articles looking at the categories of metaphors scripture uses to describe the Christian life.
- Agricultural Metaphors
- Animal Metaphors
- Architectural Metaphors
- Athletic Metaphors
- Bodily Metaphors
- Kingdom Metaphors
- Family Metaphors
- Religious Metaphors
Bible Study
1 Corinthians 15:29
Three plausible explanations for the phrase “baptism for the dead” in this verse (Nicholas Batzig).
Philippians 1:19-26
What we might be missing (Mike Leake).
When ‘I Don’t Know’ Is a Good Answer and When It’s Not
There are two ways to say I don’t know (Rebecca McLaughlin).