Selected Reading

I read these recently and recommend them to you.
Christian History
Cotton Mather - A Life of Suffering
Cotton Mather is widely “considered [to be] one of the most bigoted and stubborn men of his time, the epitome of the narrow-minded Puritan,” but “his writings tell us of a man deeply concerned with the wellbeing of others, committed to the cessation of persecution of other Christians and humbled by a lifetime of impediments and afflictions.”
Faithfulness Is Not Theologically Complicated
Greg Koukl: “[O]n a host of culturally charged moral and spiritual issues, faithfulness is not theologically complicated. Why, then, are many who claim to be Christians foundering on fundamentals with such regularity?”
What Does the Bible Say About Transgenderism?
This goes well with the piece linked directly above. “[W]e cannot assume that Christians—even those in good churches—know what to think about gender or why to think it.”—Kevin DeYoung
I’d Probably Still Cancel Your Short-Term Mission Trip
Some golden calves are difficult to destroy.
Verbing Nouns and Nouning Verbs
Apparently, “forming verbs from nouns and nouns from verbs is a normal part of English and has been for at least a thousand years.” But I still don’t like it.