Selected Reading, January 11, 2020

A bit of recommended listening and reading.
The Revealed and Hidden Will of God
Another good listen (or read) from the SimplyPut podcast.
Is the Trinity in Genesis 1?
The answer is yes. But it’s a hidden presence.
B. B. Warfield — Not a Solitary Theologian
Many people think B. B. Warfield was “a solitary man leading an uneventful life,” but that’s not exactly accurate.
Luther’s Doctrine of the Priesthood of All Believers: The Importance for Today
“The doctrine of the priesthood of all believers meant that all who have faith in Christ and are baptised are designated priests and share in Christ’s royal priesthood. This meant that every believer has equal access to the Father through Jesus. The corollary is that every believer has the responsibility to act as a priest to other believers, to minister to them, particularly through proclaiming Scripture to them. nothing more exciting than a good punctuation story.”