Selected Reading: January 25, 2020

Some listening and reading (and baking!) recommendations.
Jesus’s Own View of Scripture and How Do We Know the Bible Is God’s Word?
These are two mp3 downloads of Michael Kruger’s Sunday School class on key doctrines about Scripture.
Here’s the course description: “Ever since the serpent in the garden asked, ‘Did God really say?’, there have been never-ending challenges to the trustworthiness of God’s word. Even as believers, we can doubt and wonder about where the Bible came from, how it was put together, and whether it is really God’s word. This class will tackle some of these toughest challenges so that we can renew our trust and confidence in the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible.”
The handouts for these two classes are here and here. The audio to rest of the classes will be added each week to this post at Dr. Kruger’s blog.
10 Things You Should Know about the Lord’s Supper
Another excellent addition to Crossway’s 10 Things You Should Know series. These points are adapted from Truth We Can Touch: How Baptism and Communion Shape Our Lives by Tim Chester.
Because I never grow tired of the basic truths of the faith. This one answers the question, “What does God actually do when a person comes to faith?” (Simply Put Podcast).
Who was Melchizedek?
I’ve been hosting a study of the New Testament book of Hebrews in my home, and found this short video on Melchizedek instructive. (I am also kind of proud of myself for finally learning how to spell Melchizedek.)
Oatmeal Butterscotch Cookies
I made these and they were everything a cookie ought to be: thin, crispy, chewy, and very butterscotchy.