16 Truths You Should Know: Jesus Is Lord

Where is heaven? Have you ever wondered where it is? Has anyone (a child, perhaps) asked you? How did you answer?
The truth is that we don’t know exactly where heaven is, but we do know that heaven is somewhere. Right now, the risen Jesus is reigning in heaven in his glorified physical body, so we know it is a real place. (The word heaven can refer to more than a spatial reality, but the place called “heaven” where Jesus is now is a spacial reality.)
His Ascension
Forty days after his resurrection, Jesus ascended into heaven (Acts 1:9-11). The resurrection was the first step to the return of the Son of God to the glory he left behind when he came into the world from his place at the Father’s side. After the Son “emptied himself” by being born as a human being and “humbled himself” by dying on the cross (Philippians 2:7-8), God
raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church … .(Ephesians 1:20-22 ESV)
His Session
Theologians sometimes call Jesus’s present reign his heavenly session. When a court is in session, the judge sits as he rules over the court. During his session, Jesus sits at God’s right hand, ruling over all creation. He reigns over all “rule and authority and power and dominion” and “every name that is named” from the time of his ascension into the never-ending future (see verses from Ephesians quoted above). He has authority and power over all human authorities and all spiritual powers.From his throne in heaven the ascended Jesus rules his church and protects her. Since Pentecost, he has been equipping the body of believers through the work of his Holy Spirit. At the request of the risen Christ, the Spirit builds and guides the church. He inspired the Scriptures, which is the founding document of the church, and he empowers the preaching of the Scriptures so the church continues to grow (Ephesians 4:8-12).
The ascended Jesus intercedes for his people (Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25), bringing their requests to the Father and intervening on their behalf. He pleads “for their acceptance on the basis of his completed sacrifice, and for their safe-keeping in the world.”1 J. I. Packer explains that since Jesus intervenes from his throne, his position is “not one of sympathy without status or authority.”2 He intercedes as ruler of everything, ensuring that his people possess forever all the saving benefits he purchased by his death. We can be confident in our continued and final salvation because Jesus is Lord.
Jesus’s heavenly session will last until all of his (and our) enemies—including death, the final enemy—are defeated. Then the risen and ascended Jesus will come again to raise the dead for his final judgment of the world.
That Jesus is Lord—that he is ruling now at the right hand of the Father and will continue to rule for the rest of history—gives us complete confidence that everything will end up exactly as it should. From his place of authority, he will make all things right. And those who belong to him can be certain they will be saved, because the ever-living Jesus is in heaven interceding for them (Hebrews 7:25).
1Systematic Theology by Louis Berkhof, page 353.
2Concise Theology by J. I. Packer, page 128.
Previous posts in this series:
- 16 Truths You Should Know: God Has Spoken
- 16 Truths You Should Know: God Is One and God Is Three
- 16 Truths You Should Know: God Is Who He Is
- 16 Truths You Should Know: God Has a Plan
- 16 Truths You Should Know: God Created the Universe
- 16 Truths You Should Know: We Are Made in God’s Image
- 16 Truths You Should Know: We Are All Sinners
- 16 Truths You Should Know: God Saves
- 16 Truths You Should Know: The Son Came
- 16 Truths You Should Know: Jesus Died
- 16 Truths You Should Know: Jesus Is Risen