Selected Reading, November 26, 2021

It’s been so long since I’ve done one of these, so some of these links are a bit already. Still, here are a few theologically rich recommendations for your weekend reading.
In the Beginning
Does It Really Matter Whether Adam Was the First Man?
Yes, it does, and it matters a whole lot.
The historical reality of Adam is an essential means of preserving a Christian account of sin and evil, a Christian understanding of God, and the rationale for the incarnation, cross, and resurrection.
This is a very thorough argument, and outstanding piece. (I might have one very minor quibble, but it doesn’t take away from his argument at all.)
The Word Became Flesh
A Glorious Doctrine with a Silly Name
If that title doesn’t make you want to check out this article, nothing I add here will, either.
When I update the Theological Term for Apollinarianism (it’s on my to-do list), I’ll link this from Simply Put. But you don’t have to wait. You can read it right now.