Selected Reading, February 27, 2021

My recommendations for your weekend reading.
Old Testament
Moses’s Life Is a Movie Trailer
If it’s written by Michael Morales, I’m going to read it. You should too:
“God has an artistic way of arranging history and inspiring Scripture that allows us to see patterns in his redemptive work.
This is exactly what we see with Moses in Exodus, particularly its early chapters (typically referred to as his birth narrative). Moses doesn’t just serve as Israel’s redeemer and savior; he serves as a preview of Israel’s experience—almost like a movie trailer.”
Christian Living
Real Churches Commune with Dead Saints
A little encouragement during what can be discouraging times (and also an incentive to gather, if you can, with your church this Sunday): “Despite the distance between heaven and earth, between the dead and living, between now and eternity, we’re already citizens of the heavenly Jerusalem, already enrolled in the same assembly.”
Theological Terms
Prophet, Priest, and King
From the Simply Put podcast, three short reflections on the three aspects of the threefold office of Christ. I’ll be adding links to these in my related theological terms.
I’ve started a new series of theological term posts featuring people from Christian history. This one on Athanasius, “outstanding champion of Nicene theology,” is first.