Rebecca Stark is the author of The Good Portion: Godthe second title in The Good Portion series.

The Good Portion: God explores what Scripture teaches about God in hopes that readers will see his perfection, worth, magnificence, and beauty as they study his triune nature, infinite attributes, and wondrous works. 


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Selected Reading, April 10, 2021


You should read these this weekend. 


Jesus Is the God-Man, not the Flawed Man
Christianity Today solicited a piece of polite pushback to a misguided article about Jesus and doubt that is  published previously:

“In a recent article, A. J. Swodoba and Nijay K. Gupta argue that one (consistent) aspect of Jesus’s human experience was doubt … . 

We feel, however, that our brothers have come to the wrong conclusion(s) on these tough questions about Jesus’s humanity.” 

What Do You Mean When You Talk about Christ in the Old Testament?
Nancy Guthrie shares a list of ways that the Old Testament points to and prepares us for Christ. It’s intended to be “lay-person friendly,” and “for those for whom the idea of seeing Christ in the Old Testament is a new concept.”


What’s the truth about John’s gospel?
Esther O’Reilly makes the case for reliability of John’s gospel—and you don’t have to be a scholar to understand: “Either [the gospel’s] writer unaccountably invented the modern realistic novel fifteen centuries early, or else we are dealing here not with fiction, but with history.”


Bo Giertz - True Pastor and Insightful Writer
If you’ve read Hammer of God and liked it (I did!), you might enjoy Simonetta Carr’s biographical sketch of its Swedish author Bo Giertz.

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