Selected Reading, April 17, 2021

A few interesting things I found this week.
The Water-Providing, Stricken Rock
Why does Paul say that the rock Moses struck in Exodus 17:1-7 was Christ? How is the rock a type of Christ? Nicholas Batzig explains.
Dawson City By-Law Officer
He’s the animal control officer in Dawson City, Yukon, and he takes selfies with the dogs he picks up. The dogs, by the way, all seem to be enjoying themselves.
“Getting it on canvas”: Yukon artist paints to heal residential school memories
Mary Caesar paints her childhood experiences in residential school: ““I get a lot of strong reactions, both from the native and white communities. Some residential school survivors, when they see my paintings, it brings up memories for them. It brings up feelings. And I understand because I know how they feel. Some non-native people just get shocked when they see my paintings. They get really emotional and I get emotional too.”
So Brave, Young, and HandsomeThis is so good.
It’s the third novel by Lief Enger that I’ve read, and probably the third one that I’ve recommended here. From the publisher’s blurb:
“… a rugged and nimble story about an aging train robber on a quest to reconcile the claims of love and judgment on his life, and the failed writer who goes with him.”
Do you need some good fiction to read? You might enjoy it as much as I am.