Selected Reading, April 24, 2021
Three—no four—recommendations.
Christian History
When Martyn Lloyd-Jones Confronted a Pastor Who Loved Controversy and Denunciation
I’d never heard of T. T. Shields until a few years ago when an older friend mentioned that her father had been involved in some dispute with him.
This piece from Justin Taylor contains a long quote from Iain Murray’s biography of Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Murray tells the story of of a time when Lloyd-Jones confronted Sheilds over his “wrong spirit” and “wrong methods,” which he believed spoiled Shields’ otherwise orthodox ministry.
Why Do We Say “Gospel-Centered”?
A short history of the term gospel-centered.
Basil of Caesarea
The latest important person from Christian history to get a theological terms entry. Other recent entries in this category includw Ambrose of Milan, Sabellius, and Origen.
3 Things the Gospel Isn’t
From Ephesians 5:13-25, here are three things the gospel isn’t (Jared Wilson).