Selected Reading, July 10, 2021

A few good reads for your weekend.
George Liele — First Baptist Missionary in Jamaica
The story of the former slave who may have been not just the first Baptist missionary in Jamaica, but the first American Baptist missionary.
How Does God Relate to Time?
This is an excellent short essay on the timelessness of God. Yes, it’s difficult for us to wrap our brains around this doctrine, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a vital one. “Tampering with timelessness triggers a ripple effect through many of the other forgotten attributes of God. Evangelicals who deny timelessness must account for the implications that denial has for immutability, simplicity, and God’s eternality. If you change, redefine, or alter these doctrines of God, you have created a different God.”
Why “Abba” Does Not Mean “Daddy”
New Testament scholar Murray Harris explains why you shouldn’t address God the Father as “Daddy.”
Do Not Fear: Command or Comfort?
“Life is hard and full of painful and frightening circumstances. We may lose our jobs or get sick. Our family and friends may die or abandon us. We may experience war or civil unrest. All of these have happened to Christians since Jesus ascended into heaven. And we can expect them to continue until He returns. But whatever happens, we can take comfort from the many verses reminding us, ‘Do not fear’ and ‘Do not be afraid’. Through them, we are reminded not of our sinfulness and failings but His constant presence with us and His everlasting love for us.”
The One Critical Thing Missing in Most Sermons
I, too, wish pastors took more time to explain why what they are teaching is true.