Theological Term of the Week: Cyril of Alexandria

Cyril of Alexandria
Patriarch of Alexandria who was “the deepest thinking and most influential of all the Alexandrians.” He “wrote against Nestorius, demanding that he accept the Alexandrian view of Christ.”1
- From 2000 Years of Christ’s Power by N. H. Needham, page 274:
Unfortunately, Cyril’s theological brilliance went hand-in-hand with an almost unlimited ability to turn doctrinal debates into personal quarrels of bitter ferocity. It was never enough for Cyril to disprove and opponent’s theology; he had to destroy him as a man too.
Learn more:
- Theopedia: Cyril of Alexandria
- Ligonier Ministries: Cyril and Nestorius
- Tabletalk Magazine: A Forgotten Father: Cyril’s Fight for the Faith
- Early Cyril of Alexandria
Related terms:
- Ambrose of Milan
- Apollinarius
- Athanasius
- Augustine of Hippo
- Basil of Caesarea
- Cappadocian fathers
- Gregory of Nanzianzus
- Gregory of Nyssa
- Hilary of Poitiers
- Irenaeus of Lyons
- Jerome
- John Chrysostom
- Justin Martyr
- Monica
- Nestorius
- Origen
- Pelagius
- Sabellius
- Tertullian
1From 2000 Years of Christ’s Power by N. R. Needham.
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