Rebecca Stark is the author of The Good Portion: Godthe second title in The Good Portion series.

The Good Portion: God explores what Scripture teaches about God in hopes that readers will see his perfection, worth, magnificence, and beauty as they study his triune nature, infinite attributes, and wondrous works. 


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Sunday's Hymn: Angels From the Realms of Glory





Angels from the realms of glo­ry,
Wing your flight o’er all the earth;
Ye who sang cre­ation’s sto­ry
Now pro­claim Mes­si­ah’s birth.


Come and wor­ship, come and wor­ship,
Worship Christ, the new­born king.

Shepherds, in the field abid­ing,
Watching o’er your flocks by night,
God with us is now re­sid­ing;
Yonder shines the in­fant light:

Sages, leave your con­tem­pla­tions,
Brighter vi­sions beam afar;
Seek the great De­sire of na­tions;
Ye have seen His na­tal star.

Saints, be­fore the al­tar bend­ing,
Watching long in hope and fear;
Suddenly the Lord, des­cend­ing,
In His tem­ple shall ap­pear.

Sinners, wrung with true re­pent­ance,
Doomed for guilt to end­less pains,
Justice now re­vokes the sen­tence,
Mercy calls you; break your chains.

Though an in­fant now we view Him,
He shall fill His Fa­ther’s throne,
Gather all the na­tions to Him;
Every knee shall then bow down:

All cre­ation, join in prais­ing
God, the Fa­ther, Spir­it, Son,
Evermore your voic­es rais­ing
To th’eter­nal Three in One.

—James Mont­gom­ery

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