Rebecca Stark is the author of The Good Portion: Godthe second title in The Good Portion series.

The Good Portion: God explores what Scripture teaches about God in hopes that readers will see his perfection, worth, magnificence, and beauty as they study his triune nature, infinite attributes, and wondrous works. 


Entries by rebecca (4041)


Sunday's Hymn: Reader's Choice

This hymn is a favorite of Ellen B.

O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus

O the deep, deep love of Jesus, vast, unmeasured, boundless, free!
Rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me!
Underneath me, all around me, is the current of Thy love
Leading onward, leading homeward to Thy glorious rest above!

O the deep, deep love of Jesus, spread His praise from shore to shore!
How He loveth, ever loveth, changeth never, nevermore!
How He watches o’er His loved ones, died to call them all His own;
How for them He intercedeth, watcheth o’er them from the throne!

O the deep, deep love of Jesus, love of every love the best!
’Tis an ocean full of blessing, ’tis a haven giving rest!
O the deep, deep love of Jesus, ’tis a heaven of heavens to me;
And it lifts me up to glory, for it lifts me up to Thee!

—-Samuel Francis (Listen.) 

Other hymns, worship songs, etc. posted today:

Have you posted a hymn this Sunday and I missed it? Let me know by leaving a link in the comments or by emailing me at the address in the sidebar and I’ll add your post to the list. If you’d like to see your favorite hymn featured as a Reader’s Choice hymn, go here and leave a comment. Just tell me your favorite hymn and a little bit about why you like it and I’ll feature your hymn when your turn comes.



Painting the Deck


The reason I’ve been blogging less these days? I’ve been scraping, sanding, washing, priming and painting one of the decks.  This is a big deck, a foot on three sides less than the size of the living room, to be exact. It’s been a big job, but with a little touch up later today, I’ll be done.

Here’s a photo of the view into the neighbours backyards from that deck, which is on the second story.  I’ve been forced to use the old camera, so the quality won’t be the same as some of the other photos on this blog, but you get the idea.


Originally, the plan was to put a hot tub on that deck, but we never got around to it. But it’s a very good place to watch the sunset or keep track of everything that goes on in the neighbours’ backyards.


What is repentance unto life?

Repentance unto life is a saving grace,[1] wrought in the heart of a sinner by the Spirit [2] and word of God,[3] whereby, out of the sight and sense, not only of the danger,[4] but also of the filthiness and odiousness of his sins,[5] and upon the apprehension of God’s mercy in Christ to such as are penitent,[6] he so grieves for [7] and hates his sins,[8] as that he turns from them all to God,[9] purposing and endeavoring constantly to walk with him in all the ways of new obedience.[10]

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