How Not to Write

To mark the day, Kim of Hiraeth has posted a sample of her handwriting and asks other bloggers to do the same.
Notice the smudges so typical of left-handed writing. Let’s just say I’m very thankful for keyboards.
Why don’t you post a sample of your handwriting and send her the link?
Reader Comments (6)
Thanks for playing, Rebecca! I think you have very legible handwriting--much better than my own!
Your handwriting doesn't look like most lefties to me, Rebecca. I think of lefty handwriting as having more of a leftward slant but maybe that's not true.
Rebecca writes! After reading typewritten blogs, I'm fascinated to see everyone's handwriting. It's much more personal, isn't it?
Haha - long live the lefties! I know your pain - first hand. Or should I say left hand :D
Oh, and Dorothy - the leftward slant isn't true. I'm left-handed, too, and my text slants to the right. And my dad's is very upwards. Actually I've only seen one left-handed person write so that the text slants to the left - whereas right-handed writers seem to do it even more often!
Hello Eija!
Yep, being a lefty can be a pain!