Rebecca Stark is the author of The Good Portion: Godthe second title in The Good Portion series.

The Good Portion: God explores what Scripture teaches about God in hopes that readers will see his perfection, worth, magnificence, and beauty as they study his triune nature, infinite attributes, and wondrous works. 


Entries in memes (15)


Sometimes You Just Need a Meme

Have you noticed the death of blogging memes? On the whole, I’d say that’s a good thing. I hated them, mostly, because I’m deliberate in what I do here on the blog. I’ve got my schedule and I stick to it week in and week out, and when I throw in something different, it’s because I’ve planned ahead to do it. Being tagged for a meme and feeling like I needed to do it or I’d be a blogging snob threw everything off-kilter.

But once in a while, I need a good meme. Once in a while I need something light and easy. Once in a while I need direction from someone else. Today would be a once-in-a-while.

So I’ve found myself a meme-like thing to do. Like Kim, I’m going to copy Lisa’s status report.

Sitting…on the couch in the living room, beside an open window, enjoying the summer-morning breeze. 

Drinking…Earl Grey English Breakfast Tea and wishing it were black coffee, but coffee does bad thing to me.

Watching…the flittering leaves from the May Day tree through the open window.

Resuming…nothing yet. Maybe I’ll call today a holiday and do nothing all day. Or maybe not.

Anticipating…a walk downtown with the dogs. Beautiful weather should not be wasted.

Hoping…the dogs behave themselves and don’t pull on their leashes. Mostly they don’t, but when they do, it’s not pretty. 

Still looking…out the window. Summer morning views should not be wasted.

Planning…to paint the foundation on the house and the railings on the decks this summer. I am perpetually planning painting projects.

Completed…reading John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine and Doxology and now I’m reading Adopted for Life by Russell Moore.

Wanting…to do the kinds of summer activities families or couples do. You know, camping trips, road trips, etc. I miss them.

Deciding…whether to fly to Kansas for a family reunion at the end of the month. It’s expensive (and I’ve had several unexpected expenses recently) and it’s only for a couple of days and I can’t fly all the way to the town I need to be at, so either I’d have to rent a car (also expensive) or someone has to drive quite a ways to pick me up and take me back. But I really want to be there. My sister and father will be there, along with five of my sister’s children, including 3 newly adopted ones I haven’t met yet. And some of the relatives I’d like to see again are quite elderly. I flip-flop on this daily.


How Not to Write

To mark the day, Kim of Hiraeth has posted a sample of her handwriting and asks other bloggers to do the same.

Notice the smudges so typical of left-handed writing. Let’s just say I’m very thankful for keyboards.

Why don’t you post a sample of your handwriting and send her the link?


Putting My Jobs on the Line

I’ve been tagged for a jobs meme by my friend Scott. Here are the instructions:

It’s simple. Just list all the jobs you’ve had in your life, in order. …And when you’re done, tag another five bloggers you’re curious about.

I won’t promise this will be fascinating reading, but here goes. I’m including any job I got paid for and one I didn’t.

  1. Bale turner.
  2. Camp counselor.
  3. Gas jockey/bookkeeper.
  4. Mailing list updater.
  5. Receptionist/switchboard operator.
  6. Mother/keeper at home.
  7. Retiree. Ever since my financial planner started putting “retired” as my occupation on the forms he fills out for me, I’ve been using doing the same.

If you want to play, consider yourself tagged.