Round the Sphere Again: Apologetics

More on Presuppositionalism
Despite what you may have heard, there is a place for evidence in presuppositional apologetics. However
[W]e must never think of evidence as something that establishes Christianity or “proves God” or Scripture, etc., but something that simply affirms (or perhaps, re-affirms) Christianity and other truths. Evidence points to facts already in place, like a man pointing to a tower on a hill. Evidence and historical apologetics doesn’t provide the hill upon which the tower can stand. Again, evidence affirms, not establishes.
Read more from Jamin Hubner at RealApologetics Blog.
Explaining the Differences
with an illustration that helps “distinguish between the various traditions with regard to divine sovereignty, free-will, and salvation.” (Parchment and Pen)
Briefly Summarizing
Christian epistemology. (RealApologetic Blog)
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