Thankful Thursday

I’m thankful for hot running water, central heating, and my automatic washer and dryer. While I’m thinking about it, I’m thankful for my electric stove and fridge, too. I have so much more than my grandmother did, things that I mostly take for granted, seldom stopping to consider that they are good gifts from God. So today I’m thanking my heavenly Father for all these conveniences that make life easier for me.
I’m thankful for my kids. Sometimes they make things easier for me, and sometimes not. But they are always good gifts and I am thankful for them.
I’ve had a morning that’s been interrupted over and over again, and I’ve crossed off next to nothing from the list of things I’d hoped to do today. I’m thankful that God is in control of my interrupted days, too.
I’m thankful for the blessings of everyday life. I am thankful for the earthly life I’ve been given and also for the promise of eternal life.
On Thursdays throughout this year, I plan to post a few thoughts of thanksgiving along with Kim at the Upward Call and others. Why don’t you participate by posting your thanksgiving each week, too? It’ll be an encouragement to you and to others, I promise.
Reader Comments (4)
It has been so good to read your (and other) expressions of thanks for God's provision every week. It prompts me to thank Him for many of the same things.
Becky, will you be posting your regular November thanks on a daily basis? November is just around the corner.
Yes, I thought I would. I meant to post something about it today but just ran out of time so it'll have to wait until tomorrow.
I've been wondering about your November thanks series, too! So glad you're going to do it again. It really blessed me last year, both in reading what others wrote, and in making me think daily of things that I am thankful for.