November of Thanksgiving 24

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I‘m hoping that you’ll all remember that these daily thanksgiving posts don’t stop after American Thanksgiving Day, but go on through the entire month of November. If you can spare the time, please keep posting your thanksgiving.
Today I’m thankful for my health. I’m at the age where I’ve lost a few people close to me to illness, and others my age—or even younger—have struggles with various health problems. So far, I’ve escaped, except for my pesky occasional knee-hip pain, which, when it occurs, can be endured quite well with a sporty knee brace and ibuprofen. I am very, very thankful that I am still strong and healthy. Every day of good health is a good gift to be appreciated with a thankful heart.
Others thanking God today:
- Diane is thankful for that she lives in a beautiful area.
- Becky is praying Psalm 100.
- Kim (The Upward Call) is thankful for her daughter.
- Laura is thankful for a challenge.
- Lisa is thankful for a backup gift and more.
- Persis is thankful for the families who invited her to join them for thanksgiving and more.
- Elle is thankful for her husband.
- Rosemary is thankful “for my well-stocked kitchen, music to listen to, and my family around me.”
- Trisha is thankful for the gift of advent.
Update 9pm PST:
- Victoria is thankful for heaven.
- Becky is thankful to be preparing things for Thanksgiving dinner.
- Kim (Hiraeth) is thankful for a few minutes to count her blessings.
- Joan is thankful for blogging friends.
- Dorothy is thankful for time to relax with her family and reflect on God’s goodness.
- Lindsay is thankful to be home for Thanksgiving!
- Jen is thankful that we are commanded to be thankful.
- Staci is thankful for Thanksgiving and family.
- Amy in Peru is thankful for kids who keep growing.
What are you thankful for today?
Do you want to participate, too? You’ll find instructions here for the ways both bloggers and nonbloggers can join in the thanksgiving.
I’ll add new links to this post this evening.
If I’ve missed your post or messed up a link, please tell me. If you miss a day or more, you’ll need to send me the link to your next thanksgiving post.
Reader Comments (5)
Good health is indeed something for which to be very thankful!
Amen! I am grateful that you have good spirits too.
Thank you, today, for challenging us this month into a thanksgiving feast!
Sorry, I haven't been able to keep up with this every day, but my internet has been off and on. Here's my post for today :D
Hello Rebecca-it is Thanksgiving morning here in the small town of Milford Delaware, USA.
I want to thank you for the work you do to bring this month of Thanksgiving together for all of us. I am thrilled to have met some wonderful blogging sisters throughout this month. I am fairly new to blogging and an older woman as well. For this entire month I have been encouraged daily as I have read their posts as well as yours. Many of them have taken the time and effort to comment on my posts, and have encouraged me in that way. What a blessing this has been-and I have met new friends that I will keep up with through their blogs when the month is over. I just appreciate what you do and have done. A big Thank you to you, sister!
Well! Thank you for that comment, Victoria. :)
I'm glad you've been encouraged by the month of Thanksgiving.