Thankful Thursday

I had a couple of things I was stewing over this past week. Nothing big, but things I would have talked over with my husband, if he were still here, and we’d have worked out together the best way forward.
In both cases, good solutions were suggested to me out of the blue by people I hardly know, solutions I would not have come up with on my own. I chalk up these needed answers through ordinary means to the providence of God—to “small mercies”—and I thank him for them.
I am thankful that when I am weak (and I’m always weak), then he is strong.
And I’d be remiss is I didn’t put in a thankful word for the beautiful spring weather.
On Thursdays throughout this year, I plan to post a few thoughts of thanksgiving along with Kim at the Upward Call and others. Why don’t you participate by posting your thanksgiving each week, too? It’ll be and encouragement to you and to others, I promise.
Reader Comments (3)
Spring weather is definitely something to be thankful for.
These days are pressing me with the awareness of just how weak I am in so many areas, and how utterly dependent I must and can be on the everlasting strength of the Lord. The bitter and sweet of aging, I'm thinking....
Weakness that glories in His strength; what a wonderful thing to be thankful for!