Round the Sphere Again: Serving As Examples

Here are a few posts I’ve read lately that have prompted me to think about how what other believers do—their stories—can serve as examples for us.
Seeing God’s Work
Terry Stauffer marks the two year anniversary of the day his daughter Emily “went for her last walk on this old earth” and shows us a little bit about how to trust God when our circumstances in this life are unbelievably difficult. (New Lumps)
Even a Child
can teach us something about how we should pray when we are enduring trials. (Irish Calvinist)
A Matter of Great Embarrassment
I’m thinking both men in this story can teach us something: Al Mohler on Why He Changed His Mind on Women Pastors (Kingdom People)
Giving Up
Am I “doing the same thing, with the same gusto, for the same reasons”? (Frank Turk at Pyromaniacs)
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