Status Report: November

Sitting…at the kitchen table, looking out the window. A few minutes ago I saw a fox run by on the street that runs past my house.
Drinking…the same thing I drink first thing every morning—black coffee.
Marking…this as the first day of real winter this year. Although we have very little snow—and none in my front yard—the temperature is -9C (15F) this morning. I think that counts as winter.
Wishing…I’d been able to do the November Thanksgiving thing this year. But I’m going to be gone for 10 days this month, so I decided a few weeks ago that I’d be unable to commit to posting every day and collecting everyone’s posts. Now I’m wishing I’d tried to find someone else to do it, because I miss it. And so, apparently, do some of you. Connie is doing it on her own. [Update: You can join in daily thanksgiving with Sherry Early on Twitter using the hashtag #novemberthanksgiving.]
Enjoying…my new granddaughter. Lately she’s been sleeping when I’ve held her, but she’s a very cute and cuddly sleeper. She makes the sweetest grunts while sleeping, too.
Thinking…that I will miss her while I’m away.
Also thinking…that this fall has been one big a roller-coaster ride for me. And I don’t like roller-coasters.
Wondering…what good God is working through my roller-coaster ride.
Hoping…that things are more even-keeled for a while. I could use a few months of nothing much.
Thanking…God for the windows in my home. Even on a cold and dreary November day, it’s a beautiful world out there.
Reading…Counted Righteous in Christ by John Piper. It’s a defense of imputed righteousness against the teaching that it’s our faith that is imputed to us for righteousness. I’m finding his exegesis of some passages of scripture hard to follow, a problem I didn’t have when I read The Future of Justification. I’m going to have to go back and read again, I think, and maybe compare what he writes in the two books.
Also reading…Grieving, Hope, and Solace by Albert N. Martin. It’s a great little book, especially notable for it’s scriptural explanation of the intermediate state.
Feeling…annoyed that the big dog needs me to take him across the road. Also feeling annoyed that he jumps the back fence to I can’t just let him out in the yard when it’s cold.
Reader Comments (2)
"my granddaughter." What a beautiful thing to be able to say!
I would definitely qualify 15F as winter. Brrrr!!
Holding a sleeping baby is one of life's sweetest blessings.
I pray you will know the Lord's sustaining grace in this roller coaster time and that He will continue to grant you confidence in His strength and His provision...