Thankful Thursday

I’m thankful that my youngest daughter is coming with me on my upcoming trip because I hate travelling alone. And I’m thankful that flying is so much less expensive for us now than it used to be. I’m also thankful that there are no more trips planned after this trip, because I’m a true homebody.
I’m thankful for my home and the time I get to spend in it. I’m thankful for the son who is putting plastic on the older windows to keep out the winter drafts.
I’m thankful for my hands. Useful things, they are. When I was last at the dental hygenist, he asked me to demonstrate to him how I flossed my teeth. I did and he remarked that I had excellent dexterity. Not everyone does and some people have trouble keeping their teeth clean because of it. It’s a blessing to have hands that work well and I thank God for them.
I’m thankful that everything that happens to me is sifted through the hands of God who has been reconciled to me in Christ.
Throughout this year I’m planning to post a few thoughts of thanksgiving each Thursday along with Kim at the Upward Call and others.
Reader Comments (1)
I appreciate your expression of thankfulness for your hands, because it reminds me to thank God for mine too! Arthritis and all, they still serve me well.