Status Report: February

Sitting…on the couch in the living room.
Considering…whether or not to do a status report. I’ve had a few fluffy-type real life posts already this week. Do I dare do another? Will I lose my status as a serious blogger? Do I care? What would February be without a status report, anyway?
Wondering…how much it’s going to cost me to get my car fixed and how long long I’ll be without a car. Its a subject I try not to think too much about, so let’s move on.
Also wondering…why Diaper Bags is now following me on Twitter.
Reading…Saving Leonardo by Nancy Pearcey. This book is good substitute for the art history course I wish I’d taken back when I was in school. I’m thinking, however, that it’s going to be really hard to review, because it’s will be so hard to describe.
Also reading…Marks of the Messenger by J. Mack Stiles. This one will be a simpler review.
Thinking…about how nothing’s gone quite as planned during week. This morning I started to clean the house for the weekend but the power went out for a couple of hours, so the vacuuming remains undone. I also wanted to order a few things online, but realized that not only did I have no internet because there was no power, but I also have no useable credit card. Then there’s the car. On Wednesday it broke down on the midweek bread and milk run and I had to have it towed. And I’ve had lots of the normal sort of interruptions that come from people coming and going and phoning, too. So I end the week feeling a little unsettled because my favorite thing is checking things off my to-do list and that’s a pleasure that I’ve missed this week.
Wanting…to be more flexible, to remember that the interruptions of life are important, too, and it’s my job to handle them.
Planning…Dare I plan anything?
Watching…the sun set on today.
Listening…to the cat meow for her supper.
Getting up…to feed the cat and to make supper.
Reader Comments (1)
Rebecca, while I was reading this post, I was thinking of what "IT" would have been like if I was a blogger at your age and then started feeling sorry for my Christian readers. :)
I hear ya! What are you trying to tell me Victor and don't forget that I live in the Yukon and this cold sometimes takes "IT's" toll on U>S if you know what I mean?
Hey for what "IT" is worth, you're doing a great job as a Christian.
God Bless Peace