Sunday's Hymn

Go to dark Gethsemane, ye that feel the tempter’s power;
Your Redeemer’s conflict see, watch with Him one bitter hour,
Turn not from His griefs away; learn of Jesus Christ to pray.See Him at the judgment hall, beaten, bound, reviled, arraigned;
O the wormwood and the gall! O the pangs His soul sustained!
Shun not suffering, shame, or loss; learn of Christ to bear the cross.Calvary’s mournful mountain climb; there, adoring at His feet,
Mark that miracle of time, God’s own sacrifice complete.
It is finished!hear Him cry; learn of Jesus Christ to die.Early hasten to the tomb where they laid His breathless clay;
All is solitude and gloom. Who has taken Him away?
Christ is risen! He meets our eyes; Savior, teach us so to rise.
Other hymns, worship songs, sermons etc. posted today:
- O Breath of God, Breathe on Us Now at Conjubilant with Song
- O For A Closer Walk With God at Rosemary at Home
- May the Grace of Christ, Our Saviour at Tried With Fire
- How Firm a Foundation, Ye Saints of the Lord at Field Stone Cottage
- Immortal, Invisible at Hiraeth
- Perfect Peace at The Happy Wonderer
- Lord’s Day 6, 2010 at The Thirsty Theologian
- Psalm 5:3 at Daily On My Way to Heaven
- Voices of the Past - February 6, 2011 at The Upward Call
- Sabbath Keeping at Thistle Grove Farms
- Your weekly dose of Spurgeon from Pyromaniacs: Not Our Own
Have you posted a hymn (or sermon, sermon notes, prayer, etc.) today and I missed it? Let me know by leaving a link in the comments or by contacting me using the contact form linked above, and I’ll add your post to the list.
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