This Week in Housekeeping

Recently updated Theological Term of the Week post:
- Fixed up the formatting to make this post match the more recent ones.
- Rewrote the definition because it stunk—not that it was wrong, but it certainly was awkward.
- Added link to’s What does it mean that the Bible is inspired?
- Added link to Blue Letter Bible’s In What Sense Is the Bible the Inspired Word of God?
- Added link to Rick Wade’s: The Inspiration of the Bible.
- Added link to Herman Ridderbos’s: The Inspiration and Authority of Holy Scripture.
- Added related terms: authority of scripture, autographs, inerrancy of scripture, infallibility of scripture.
- Fixed up the formatting.
- Removed some dead links.
- Added link to Greg Bahnsen’s The Inerrancy of the Autographa.
- Added link to Kevin DeYoung’s What Inerrancy Is Not
- Added link to Herman Ridderbos’s: The Inspiration and Authority of Holy Scripture.
- Added related terms: authority of scripture, autographs, infallibility of scripture, inspiration of scripture.
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