Sunday's Hymn

Come, Gracious Spirit, Heav’nly Dove
Come, gracious Spirit, heav’nly Dove,
With light and comfort from above;
Be Thou our Guardian, Thou our Guide,
O’er every thought and step preside,
O’er every thought and step preside.
The light of truth to us display,
And make us know and choose Thy way;
Plant holy fear in every heart,
That we from God may ne’er depart,
That we from God may ne’er depart.
Lead us to holiness, the road
Which we must take to dwell with God;
Lead us to Christ, the living way,
Nor let us from His pastures stray,
Nor let us from His pastures stray.
Lead us to God, our final rest,
To be with Him forever blest;
Lead us to Heav’n, its bliss to share,
Fullness of joy forever there,
Fullness of joy forever there.
Other hymns, worship songs, sermons etc. posted today:
- Update, 8:00pm: Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness at Rosemary at Home
- I’d Rather Have Jesus at threegirldad
- It Is Well With My Soul at Hopeful Morning
- Jesus Is a Mighty Saviour at Tried With Fire
- Trusting and Hoping at The Happy Wonderer
- Great God of Wonders at Field Stone Cottage
- I Lift My Heart to Thee at Whatever Things
- Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise at Conjubilant with Song
- His Name Is Jesus at Theology for Girls
- Lord’s Day 23, 2011 at The Thirsty Theologian
- Voices From the Past — June 5, 2011 at The Upward Call
Have you posted a hymn (or sermon, sermon notes, prayer, etc.) today and I missed it? Let me know by leaving a link in the comments or by contacting me using the contact form linked above, and I’ll add your post to the li
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