Both Familiar and Foreign Genres

From 40 Questions about Interpreting the Bible by Robert L. Plummer:
Certain books in the Bible are written in genres that are familiar to us, but others are foreign to the modern reader. And even familiar genres sometimes include assumptions that the modern reader might not expect. One way to identify the genre of a biblical book is to read it and note significant literary details and authorial comments that cue the reader as to how it should be understood. For example, the most common genre in the Bible is historical narrative, which makes up roughly 60 percent of its contents. The biblical genre of historical narrative is similar to factual historical reporting that we read today in a newspaper of history book. Still, there are a few differences. (1) Biblical historical narratives often are peppered with unfamiliar subgenres, such as genealogies (Matt. 1:1-17), songs (Exod. 15:1-18), proverbs (Matt. 26:52), prophecies (Mark 13: 3-37), or covenants (Josh. 24:1-28). (2) Biblical historical narratives generally are not concerned with some of the same details that modern readers might wish addressed (for example, strict chronological identification or sequencing, biographical details from the entire span of a person’s life, etc.). (3) Biblical historical narratives, while accurate, never claim to be objective. The biblical authors have a purpose in writing—to convince the readers of God’s revelatory message and the necessity of responding to God in repentance, faith, and obedience (e.g., John 20:30-31).
One way to identify and learn about the genres of books in the Bible is to consult a study Bible, commentary, of other theological reference work…
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