Thankful Thursday

I’m thankful that my youngest son’s trip to Europe is going well. I’m also thankful that he’s been emailing me frequently. Frequent contact isn’t a given when your kids travel, so I’m especially thankful for this.
I’m thankful for that spring is coming, or is here, depending on what your definition of spring is. I’m thankful that the Easter season is here, or coming, what ever your definition of Easter season is.
I’ve been listening to some audio sermons and lectures while I do spring cleaning, and I’m thankful for them. I’m thankful for the work done collecting them at sites like I’m also thankful for those who preach the sermons and speak the lectures.
I’m thankful for some recent superb provisions for me and mine. I can’t list them for the whole wide world to read, but I’m thank God for them.
I’m thankful for the work of the Holy Spirit, who points us (me) to Christ.
What about you? What are you thankful for?
Reader Comments (1)
I so agree---email and texting make staying in touch with sons and daughters so much more likely to happen! I'm thankful that they're available to us.