Linked Together: Three Whats

with good answers.
What Is Biblical Theology?
“The Bible teaches Christians how the Bible should be read. Studying biblical theology is the best way to learn from the Bible how to read the Bible as a Christian should. By the same token, studying the Bible is the best way to learn biblical theology.” Read the rest from James M. Hamilton at The Gospel Coalition Blog.
What’s the Difference …
between the Ontological and the Economic Trinity? In short:
Ontology is the study of being. When we talk about the ontological Trinity, we are referring to the fact that God is three in one… . The ontological structure of the Trinity is a unity. When we speak of the economic Trinity, we are dealing with roles. We distinguish among the three persons of the Godhead in terms of what we call the economy of God.
But you’ll want to read the whole thing (R. C. Sproul at Ligonier Ministries Blog).
What Is Your Most Prized Possession?
For the Christian, it should be the Bible, because “the Bible is rock of revelation that our faith is built upon“ (Erik Raymond at Ordinary Pastor).
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