Thankful Thursday
Thursday, January 16, 2014 at 9:35PM
I’m thankful for
- that the month of January is half over. I usually love January, but this year, not so much. I suppose that’s back-handed thanksgiving, but I really am thankful that God has sustained me through two weeks of short, stressful days.
- for warm days to play outdoors with the grandchildren. It’s hard on kids to spend everyday indoors because it’s too cold to go out. When it’s nice enough to enjoy slow walks and snow angels, it’s a blessing.
- for lamps and candles to curse the darkness.
- for Vitamin D capsules to help make up for the lack of sun.
- for a few good books.
- for time to work on a secret project.
- for the evening prayers in Valley of Vision.
Reader Comments (2)
I usually love January too (the January's of the deep south that is) but just yesterday I thought to myself that I needed spring, highly unusual for me! I'm tired and the dreariness and the cold (of the deep south that is) are affecting me more than usual. But, yes, the Lord graciously sustains! He is good!
I thought it was just me. ;-) I'm in agreement with you both. Thank you, Rebecca for the vitamin d reminder. I'm going to try to get outside tomorrow with the kids.