Selected Reading, January 16, 2021

A few current-events-free reading suggestions in case, like me, you’re trying to focus on things beyond and better.
How I Almost Lost My Faith in College
Michael Kruger previews his upcoming book, Surviving Religion 101: Letters to a Christian College Student on Keeping the Faith in College. (Or university, if you’re Canadian.) Maybe you need this for someone you know—your son or daughter, a friend, or even you. It’s written for anyone “with intellectual questions about their faith.” (Right now, I’m reading Alisa Childers’ Another Gospel?, which you might find useful, too. It probably deals with some of the same issues.)
Doctrinally Dressed Up but No Way to Get There
A short piece on why we need the concept of eternal generation: “Eternal generation is the way Scripture and the early fathers affirmed that the Son is equal in nature to the Father without being two separate gods and it is the way the Son is Son to the Father and not Brother. The Son is divine because he shares the substance of the Father, he is Son and not Brother because he is from the Father, and he is not a separate deity because this generation occurs within the one being of God.”
Bible Study
Acts 4 and 5: Similar Narratives with Distinct Emphases
Peter Kroll examines two similar stories from Acts, and shows us that when we observe the text closely, we can see they have distinct main points.