Theological Term of the Week: Columba

An Irish presbyter-monk and missionary to Scotland; often called “the apostle of Scotland.” He lived from 521–597.1
- From 2000 Years of Christ’s Power by N. H. Needham, page 312:
Born at Garten in Donegal (northwestern Ireland), [Columba] was a presbyter-monk who established a number of churches and monasteries in his Irish homeland before crossing over to Scotland in 563. Tall, beautiful, burning with physical energy, constantly singing the Psalms of David in a booming voice, fearless, and in love with travel and adventure, Columba summed up in his own person and life the essence of Celtic Christianity. His missionary expedition to Scotland followed the normal Irish pattern—12 missionaries under the leadership of a 13th, based on the 12 apostles under the leadership of Christ. Columba and his team set up their headquarters on the tiny island of Iona, off the Scottish west coast. The monastery he founded there became one of the most successful centres of missionary work in the history of Christianity. From Iona, Columba’s disciples planted churches and monasteries throughout Scotland and northern England; Iona became thhe spiritual capital of the whole region. Among the northern Celtic Christians, the authority of the abbot of Iona had far more weight than the word of the pope.
- A hymn attributed to Columba:
Christ Is the World’s Redeemer
Christ is the world’s redeemer,
the lover of the pure,
the fount of heavenly wisdom,
our trust and hope secure,
the armour of his soldiers,
the lord of earth and sky,
our health while we are living,
our life when we shall die.Christ has our host surrounded
with clouds of martyrs bright
who wave their palms in triumph
and fire us for the fight.
For Christ the cross ascended
to save a world undone
and, suffering for the sinful,
our full redemption won.Down in the realm of darkness
he lay a captive bound,
but at the hour appointed
he rose, a victor crowned,
and now, to heaven ascended,
he sits upon the throne
in glorious dominion,
his Father’s and his own.Glory to God the Father,
the unbegotten One;
all honour be to Jesus,
his sole-begotten Son;
and to the Holy Spirit —
the perfect Trinity.
Let all the worlds give answer:
‘Amen, so let it be’.
Learn more:
- Ligonier Ministries: Columba: Missionary to Scotland
- Christian History: Iona’s Tough Dove
- 5 Minutes in Church History: Iona
Related terms:
- Ambrose of Milan
- Apollinarius
- Athanasius
- Augustine of Hippo
- Basil of Caesarea
- Cappadocian fathers
- Cyril of Alexandria
- Gregory of Nanzianzus
- Gregory of Nyssa
- Gregory the Great
- Hilary of Poitiers
- Irenaeus of Lyons
- Jerome
- John Chrysostom
- Justin Martyr
- Monica
- Nestorius
- Origen
- Patrick
- Pelagius
- Sabellius
- Tertullian
1From 2000 Years of Christ’s Power by N. R. Needham.
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